23 November 2008

End of an Era!?!

Last week I was released as the Ward Choir director and a Relief Society teacher and called as a Primary teacher. Although I have served in Primary and Young Women's at different times, I have served in Relief Society more than any other auxiliary a total of 15 of the last 25 years. I dearly love the Relief Society programs and the sisters I've been privileged to work with. I will miss it so much...very selfish I know. I gave my final lesson last week just after I was sustained to my new calling. I know in a few short months I'll be thoroughly in love with Primary again, but in the meantime, I need all the prayers I can get. Today I gave my first lesson in Primary, I'm teaching a combined class of 3,4 & 5 year olds. It's going to be an interesting and challenging class, but I'm grateful I can already see the sweet spirits, even in the more "boisterous"children. Afterwards I was set apart... it was the most amazing blessing. I'm so grateful for such a loving Heavenly Father, and for his comforting words. I think I'm going to be alright!! P.S. I've been asked to continue on with the Ward Choir on "assignment" until further notice... lucky Christmas is just around the corner.

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